Bible Reading: Revelation 17
Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.
The New Testament reveals two women representative of all people. First, there is the chaste woman who is the bride of Christ - the church. Second, there is the whore - Mystery Babylon.
Just who or what is this Mother of Harlots? She is described as a whore (17:1). She is arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls (17:4). She is drunk with the blood of saints and with the blood of martyrs of Jesus (17:6).
It is evident that this woman sits upon the government because she sits upon the seven mountains or seven kings. What does she represent?
Mystery Babylon represents false religious systems. These have always sit upon the government and been decked with costly apparel. They have always persecuted the true followers of Christ. She is the Mother of Harlots and many false systems have come from her. She is a whore because she is not the true bride of Christ but charges for her services.
The Bible tells us that the ten horns will hate the whore and will make her desolate before they devour her. Eventually the government will be done with the false, compromising religious systems and will destroy them.
What a graphic picture of the false religious systems of the last two thousand years! Look around. Who is wearing purple and scarlet and decked with gold? Who commits fornication with the kings of the earth? It is always a compromising religious system who wants their representative to have the ear of the king.
What kind of people ought we to be? We need to be a part of the true bride of Christ. Christ loves his church and gave himself for her. Christ is coming for his church. But this harlot will continue to be vying for power during the time of the Great Tribulation.
Trust Jesus and follow him!
In Christ,